critical thinking, writing, and comprehension from a more advanced standpoint.

Elementary school
Development of inquisitive and independent thought beyond lower level Bloom’s Taxonomy thinking. Students will experience
- Exposure to a variety of topics both in literature and current culture in order to form their own opinions about certain actions and character actions.
- Encouragement to build their own point of view as well as verbally respond to the views of others to gain a deeper understanding of text and contrasting viewpoints
- Advanced writing prompts that will require focus on higher level writing skill in order to introduce, provide evidence, stay on topic with explanation, and conclude information concisely.

Middle school
Application of critical thinking skills through advanced literature and vocabulary. Students will experience
- Prompting to answer questions about character development and motivation, author’s use of rhetorical device, and the real world application to conflict structure in literature.
- Expansion of vocabulary through auditory and visual approach that ask students to use words in context.
- Writing and revision of longer pieces of writing with focus on subject-verb agreement, complex sentence structure, and transition words and phrases between paragraphs.

Early high school
(Freshmen and Sophomore years)
Mastery of grammar and comprehension skills through the introduction of SAT level questions and strategies. Students will experience
- Transference of SAT vocabulary into everyday conversation through application, and recall using our patented video database.
- Fluency of the standard rules of American English for grammar, and multiple lenses of literary comprehension, crucial for full understanding of document-based questions.
- Retention of formulas and procedures for algebra, calculus, physics and more, to refine critical thinking skills; matter the problem, they know where to begin working to a solution.

High School and College Prep
(Junior and Senior Years)
Time Management is the key here. Bridging the comprehensive knowledge gained from a variety of advanced subjects, the kids have to maintain their effort by
- Keeping a high GPA by choosing skill specific subjects. Honors, dual enrollment, and AP classes will help them to boost the GPA, but at the same time they will need to balance the academic and extracurricular activities.
- Most students will take standardized tests, namely the ACT, SAT, Subject SAT tests, and AP tests for potential college credit.
- Senior year will be mostly consumed by college applications and maintaining a good GPA. Based on the scores, students will decide on their target schools and will probably go for early decision to maximize their chances.